He said,
With a wry, delicate grin and wide hand trucked out front for a shake.
Lovely having you here.
Here in this instance, of course, being the cozy canal, the nutty nest, the sultry side-street that is ‘LETTERS’, my just now, officially launched Substack Diary slash newsletter slash all of the above.
As averse as I am to lengthy introductions, I do feel compelled to provide some context for this project. Some for those already privy to me in late November twenty-twenty-four, more for those who may find themselves here in the months and years to come.
As a childhood hobby first, and as an immutable fixture of my life (happily) now, writing & drawing have been around, always. An escape, from homework, chores, and general responsibility early on, then eventually also an inlet into the fantastical–or at least my version of it. For me, storytelling represents the purest fun I believe I’ve enjoyed in life, and so, I’ve naturally turned it into work. As one does.
In recent years, specifically the last two, that fun/ work has fortunately opened a few heavy doors–for which I am grateful–that have made my life since late 2022 with the release of Krumpp’s First Taste, a modest 5.6x more interesting, on the dot.
From the corner-desk bedroom of my family home in suburban Toronto, toiling at this mysterious fixation for months, to now presenting those same words to students whose first languages come from the Latin cradle (and more recently, Maltese) is a triumph for the room-corner dreamers. Us freaks who disbelieve that the four walls that provided venue to their earliest performance should be their forever venue.
The records I’ve kept of this transformation, in big, and small detail are enough, surely, to create a paper mache replica of the universe that is Kennedy Station in my beloved hometown.
Like a blip, ‘LETTERS’, and other versions of this project have peeked in and out of the front of my brain for some time.
The idea is to create a public wall, or transparent cabinet, or any number of like metaphors for the ‘in-between-the-books’ moments to live now on display. The vignettes, spontaneous bits of poetry, short story, and diary entry. All the word-painted pictures that I lay like ribbons to tie me back to moments I feel worthwhile collecting, for whatever reason.
Despite their being auspicious, it is the neglect of restrictive formalities like schedules or “content calendars” –more the “proper” ways about going about these things that I hope makes the experience here interesting for you as a reader.
Very much like someone posting to a dear friend updates about their life–musings about new loves, and the small silly random bits that go out maybe just to have them fill the space between their sender and subject… A certain intimacy of thought will be couriered from me here with the ambition that it delights, and inspires, or at minimum, entertains.
LETTERS, per the title, will be an intimate channel of un-polished, primarily explorative dialogue between you and I.
There is an interesting rendition of ‘Autumn Leaves’ by Coleman Hawkins, that is perhaps most definitional to the experience I aspire to create here–this version I find, is both comforting, and provocative. A mix I enjoy.
Periodic diary entries from travels, short stories and peeks into works in progress, exposés on the mint chocolate chip ice cream industry (money laundering, obviously), personal fascinations that influence my work, and lots that don’t, insights into ‘THE’ creative process, and other light-touches to brighten your weeks.
Once I learn exactly how Substack (and the internet) works, I will be introducing some interactive elements to the channel that I hope helps create a sense of community here for us all.
Thanks for reading in advance.
With love,
Magic Mike
LETTERS, Volume I Nov 2024 - November - 2025